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Resumen de Public Aid as a Measure of State Interventionism in the Portuguese and Spanish Press

Raúl Magallón Rosa, Guadalupe Aguado Guadalupe, Josep. M. Sanmartí Roset

  • The aim of this paper is to analyze the communication policies and the relationships between State and Press in the case of Portugal and Spain, with special emphasis on the particular characteristic of both countries within the Euro-Mediterranean model release. It also makes a historical approach in order to explain what was the context and measures over the years that have led to the current reality in the Iberian countries.

    In view of the paradigm shift that digital convergence is bringing about, it raises some reflections on how these countries - with a very definite journalistic tradition, is facing the future of the press. Among other reasons because there is no guarantee that government measures of the past be able to ensure in the future the competitive vitality required under the international convergence of media. It is necessary as well to review how the various policies of aid and impact assessments contribute to paralysis in decision-making.

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