Barcelona, España
Se trata de un manuscrito inédito que enfrenta al Monasterio de Santo Domingo el Real de Toledo contra el Receptor del Santo Oficio por unos bienes “secuestrados” a una procesada por el delito de herejía. Esos bienes habían sido vendidos (censos y tributos) a las monjas de dicho monasterio, por lo tanto reclaman una legítima posesión
Analysis of an unpublished manuscript that contains the proceedings of a trial that pitted the Monastery of Santo Domingo el Real de Toledo against the Receiver of the Holy Office regarding the property confiscated to a felon condemened by the Holy Office for the crime of heresy. These propierties were sold (as censals and tributes) to the nuns of the monastery, who therefore protest that they are the legitimate possessors of said properties
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