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Resumen de Eficacia de los pactos familiares

Luis Zarraluqui Sánchez-Eznarriaga

  • español

    Desde la reforma de las leyes familiares de 1981 con la introducción del convenio regulador, pasando por la de 2005 que expresamente autorizó a los padres a pactar válidamente sobre el ejercicio de patria potestad, la eficacia de los pactos familiares ha ido reconociéndose, al igual que materias como la paterno-filial, que se han liberado del estigma de indisponibles. Aunque se conservan particulares que son de ius cogens las materias familiares pueden ser objeto de convenciones, aunque con límites como ocurre con todos los contratos.

  • English

    From the Spanish reform of Family Laws in 1981, with the introduction of the Convention of the effects of separation and divorce, and afterwards through the legislation of 2005, which expressly authorized parents to agree about the exercise of the parental responsibility, the effectiveness of family agreements has increased, the same as matters like de relationship among parents and children has lost its character of unavailable. Although there are matters that they continue to be under the ius cogens, family questions can de agreed by the parties, however with some limits as in every other contract, although with some more, which are specific.

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