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Resumen de (G)izadirantz: towards the charged void

Imanol Esperesate Azpiazu

  • English

    Humanity, taking the advantage of the key elements of the development such as, cars and nuclear energy in order to accelerate its steps constantly, has broken nature’s constant rhym and has overtaken it. Beyond human’s inadequate interventions, there is the human’s behaviour regarding to nature which consists of separating both of them in a scale and trying to keep them in equilibrium. Both sides of the scale as well as the ways that are in parallel or are overlapped, all of them come from the same place. There is a relevant connection between the overlap/equilibrium action and the constraction of the landscape at the present time where the human being always leaves his/her marks on it in order to meet his /her constant needs. In contrast, we must go throuh the way-with-one-lane because the field which is surrounded by trees and a factory are the same, compatible with each other. Consequently, nature will replace humanity and we will avoid irreversible disasters and we will step on both the pavement and the fields.

  • euskara

    Gizadiak, ustezko aurrerabidearen ardatz izan diren eta izaten jarraitzen duten autoaz eta energia nuklearraz baliatuz pausoa etengabe lasterragotzeko duen joerak, izadiaren betiereko erritmoa hautsi eta izadia atzean uztea dakar. Gizakiaren esku hartze desegokietatik haraindi, izadiaren aurrean gizadiak duen jarrera dago, balantzaren bi aldetan bata zein bestea bereiztean eta bien artean oreka mantentzean datzana. Balantzaren bi aldeek eta paraleloan dauden edo teilakatzen diren bi bideek iturri beretik edaten dute ura. Teilakatze/oreka horrek eragin zuzena dauka gaur egungo paisaiaren eraikuntzan non gizakiak nahitaez bere eskuaren arrastoa utzi behar duen bere beharrak asetzeko afanean. Horren aurrean, errail-bakarreko-bideari ekin behar diogu, zuhaiztiak inguratzen duen zelaia eta lantegia gauza bera baitira, guztiz bateragarriak. Era horretan, izadiak gizadia ordezkatuko du eta ezin atzeragarriak diren hondamendiak saihestuko eta berdeguneak espaloiko lauzak bezala zapalduko ditugu.

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