Children use to play free at the playground, but if we analyze heir way of moving and playing, we will see that gender roles are so rooted in their bahaviour. Boys usually play with the ball and take wider and more central spaces, while girls use to stay at the borders. The spacie design has a huge effect on the way children act, and also the power to change it.
Jolastokian umeak modu librean ibiltzen dira jolasean, baina haien jokamoldea aztertzen badugu, azaleko libertate horrek gizartean errotuta ditugun genero-rolak errepikatzen dituela konturatuko gara. Mutilek espazio zabal eta zentralenak hartu ohi dituzte baloiekin jolasean, neskak bazterretan geratzen diren bitartean. Espazioen diseinuak eragin handia dauka umeen portaeran, bai eta hori aldatzeko ahalmena ere.
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