Víctor Alfonso Barragán Escarpeta
El siguiente artículo expone los avances de la investigación “Un género discursivo mediático: El defensor del televidente” que tiene como objeto caracterizar el género discursivo mediático conocido como “El defensor del televidente”. Esta investigación parte de las ideas de Bajtin (1982) así como de la perspectiva socio-comunicativa de Charaudeau (2012) sobre los géneros, en la medida en que brindan elementos tanto teóricos como empíricos para el establecimiento de dicha caracterización, y de igual forma, al ser perspectivas que enfatizan en el componente social de los textos, permiten entender elementos tales como las relaciones entre los participantes y la influencia de estas en el discurso.Para ello, se explicará el análisis de dos programas de diferentes cadenas de televisión pública, que fueron seleccionados a partir del establecimiento de unas determinadas categorías. De esta manera, se realiza un ejercicio teórico-práctico de índole inductiva que pretende mostrar a modo de hipótesis y resultados parciales, el rescate de algunos aspectos comunes y particulares que permiten relacionarlos con el género discursivo.AbstractThe following article presents the progress of the research called “A media discursive genre: The defender of the viewer” and has the objective to characterize this particular genre. This research is based on the ideas of Bajtin (1982) as well as Social-Communicative Perspective of Charaudeau (2012) about genres, in the way that they give theoretical and methodological elements to the establishment of this characterization, and, in the same way, for being perspectives that emphasize on the social component of texts, let us to understand aspects such as relations between participants and the influence of these in discourse.To do this, we’ll explain the analysis of two shows from different TV channels that were selected based on the establishment of many categories. Thus, we present a theoretical and methodological exercise of inductive nature that pretends to show as a hypothesis and partial results, the rescue of some common and particular aspects that let relate this with discourse genre studies.
The following article presents the progress of the research called “A media discursive genre: The defender of the viewer” and has the objective to characterize this particular genre. This research is based on the ideas of Bajtin (1982), Carranza (2012) as well as Social-Communicative Perspective of Charaudeau (2012) about genres, in the way that they give theoretical and methodological elements to the establishment of this characterization, and, in the same way, for being perspectives that emphasize on the social component of texts, let to understand aspects such as relations between participants and the influence of these in discourse. To do this, our methodology analyzes two different programs of public television channels through making transcripts and images, selected from the establishment of the following categories: the field of social practice, the overall situation of communication (SGC) and the specific situation of communication (SEC); also discursive properties and the formal properties; flexible frameworks and the subject agent.In this way, this article makes a practical-theoretical exercise of an inductive nature which rescues how categories of the communicative situation and the analysis of elements such as supports allow a greater deepening of different dimensions in the media discursive practices (social relation, themes, etc.) as well as observing to what extent we are talking about discursive genders and sub genders in daily life.
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