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Resumen de La escritura extensiva La enseñanza de la expresión escrita en secundaria

Daniel Cassany Comas

  • español

    Es habitual distinguir entre actividades intensivas de comprensión lectora y actividades extensivas de fomento de la lectura. Las primeras tienen el objetivo de desarrollar procedimientos (las microhabilidades de la comprensión: anticipación, skimming, scanning, inferencia de implícitos, inducción del significado de palabras desconocidas, etc.) y consisten en la lectura y el comentario en clase de textos breves, con la mediación del profesor. Las segundas, en cambio, se proponen desarrollar objetivos actitudinales (generar motivación, formar hábitos lectores, construir bagaje cultural, descubrir los beneficios que proporciona leer, etc.) y consisten en la lectura autónoma y diferida durante el curso de libros de diverso tipo (literatura infantil y juvenil, ensayo, etc.). La suma de ambos tipos de ejercicios constituye un abanico variado y complementario de experiencias de lectura, las cuales –a mi entender– permiten que el aprendiz pueda formarse más o menos sólidamente como futuro lector.

  • English

    Following the distinction between intensive and extensive reading, we introduce the extensive written tasks to promote the following learning objectives: 1) bringing writing closer to the learner’s personal life; 2) practicing the epistemic and communicative language functions; 3) giving the learner full responsibility for the creative act; 4)facilitating the development of cognitive processes, and 5) developing habits of written production in a variety of situations. As a consequence, extensive writing assignments produce longer texts, last longer, are self-directed by the learner-author, treat interdisciplinary topics and are not in the textbook. These tasks markedly differ from the more frequent written exercises in the classroom, which are teacher-led, contain shorter texts, work on executive or instrumental functions, and their correction is focused on spelling and grammar. We propose several educational tools in order to develop this type of tasks: portfolios (to save drafts, corrections and final versions of each text), formats (such as reading logs, lecture notes and laboratory protocols) and contexts (common communicative tasks). We also discuss some basic parameters of extensive tasks, such as the length of the text, the use of several working sessions for text production, the practice of composition processes and the use of peer review, in pairs or teams

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