1. Lo stato dell' arte: le criticitá insite nel modello tradizionale di protezione penale dell'ambiente. - 2. Le strade alternative percorse dalla giurisprudenza: la progressiva torsione interpretativa dei delitti contro la pubblica incolurnitá. - 3. La risposta legislativa e l'introduzione nell'ordinamento dei nuovi "ecoreati": il delitto di inquinamento ambientale (art. 452 bis c.p.). - 4. (segue ...) Il Idelitto di disastro ambientale (art. 452 quater c.p.). - 5. 'Conclusioni.
The paper analyses the evolution of the Italian environmental criminal law, focusing the attention on the principal issues that jurisprudential practice has traditionally faced. Moreover, the contribution critiques the distortions of the general categories of criminallaw (in particular, abstract danger and crimes against the public sajety), connected with the judicial effort to ensure - seen the precautionary principie - an adequate protection of the enuironment, with all its basic elements (soil, air. water). The Autbor, then, examines the new criminal offences - environmental pollution and disaster - introduced with the Law No. 68/2015 in the Italian Penal Codeo While being an appreciable attempt of the Italian Legislator. in order to solue the issues which have raised in the last decades of1 judicial experience, the reform arouses perplexities not only from a criminal policy perspective, but also for the use of unclear and imprecise legal definitions
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