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Resumen de Isolated and combined effect of brisk walking and yoga training on the physiological parameters of sedentary males

Dr. Abdussalam Kanniyan

  • Walking is the most natural activity and the only sustained dynamic aerobic exercise that is common to everyone except for the seriously disabled or very frail. Walking is convenient and may be accommodated in occupational and domestic routines (Morris & Hardman, 1997). Yoga is a philosophy promoting balance between body and mind and harmony between individual and cosmos (Ananda, 2008). Brisk walking increases cardio-respiratory fitness, manages blood pressure, provides better brain power, sleep, reduces stress level & controls diabetes, lipid level, builds strong bones, reduce stroke, cancer risk and better longevity (Velumany and Jayalakshmy, 2005). The purpose of the study was to find out the isolated and combined effect of brisk walking and yoga training on the selected physiological variables of sedentary males.Forty males between 16 to 35 ages were selected for the study. They were divided into two groups. Group-1 underwent combined practices of brisk walking and yoga training and group-2 underwent yoga training alone. The duration of training was for a period of eight weeks (four days per week). The selected physiological variables were blood pressure (systolic & diastolic) respiratory rate and pulse rate. The data were compared using t-tests. The t values for group-1 for systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, pulse rate and respiratory rate were 1.88,4.01, 5.06 and 8.56 respectively and for group-2 the scores were 0.35,0.09, 0.12 and 0.19 respectively. Conclusion:- The systolic blood pressure, diastolic pressure, respiratory rate and pulse rate of the combined group ( group-1) significantly reduced than group-1( isolated group).

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