Un modo de profundizar en el conocimiento de los llamados Siglos de Oro es aproximarnos a la literatura jurídico-política castellana y portuguesa de los siglos XVI y XVII. El objeto de nuestro estudio consiste en señalar los aspectos comunes que compartían aquellos tratados, tanto desde el punto de vista formal como de su contenido. Asimismo, nos proponemos abordar el contexto en el que emerge dicha literatura y la personalidad de sus autores. Se analizan algunos textos especialmente relevantes, bien por su trascendencia, bien por haber servido de inspiración a otros posteriores, tanto publicados en Castilla, como procedentes de Portugal, los cuales constituyen una pieza fundamental para el conocimiento de la historia institucional de ambos reinos.
This article analyses legal and political literature from the XVI to the XVII centuries in order to understand why this period of time has been labelled as the Spanish Golden Age. The aim of this study is to identify common features within the literature using both formal and content analysis of each piece. Moreover, the context in which the literature was produced and by whom it was written by will also be examined. In addition, it is important to discuss those text which were produced in Portugal, either due to the nationality of the author or why they were pinted there. These books have been essential to the history of political literature.
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