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Resumen de Prima segnalazione di Borysthenia naticina (Menke, 1845) per la malacofauna italiana (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Valvatidae).

Ivano Niero, Marco Bodon

  • English

    Borysthenia naticina (Menke,1845), a fresh-water snail with central-European distribution, is reported in Italy for the first time. In order to confirm its identification, the species was studied anatomically and compared with the similar Valvata piscinalis (Müller, 1774). B. naticina differs from V. piscinalis by shell, genital tract, radula and habits of reproduction. The species is localized in North-Eastern Italy, in the Pianura Veneta between Vicenza and Portogruaro, where it lives in scattered populations. Some ecological data are given for the sites where the species has been found. B. naticina does not seem to be invasive and/or dangerous for other native molluscs.

  • italiano

    Borysthenia naticina (Menke, 1845), un gasteropode d�acqua dolce con distribuzione centroeuropea, viene segnalata per la prima volta in Italia. Allo scopo di confermare la sua determinazione, la specie è stata studiata anatomicamente e confrontata con la simile Valvata piscinalis (Müller, 1774). Vengono forniti alcuni dati ecologici per le stazioni nelle quali sono stati raccolti gli esemplari.

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