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Resumen de Vom marginalisierten Heiligen zum hegemonialen Hausvater: Josephs Männlichkeit im Hessischen und in Heinrich Knausts Weihnachtsspiel

Regina Toepfer

  • This contribution investigates how the Reformation changed Joseph’s masculinity in the context of Nativity plays. In the Hessian Nativity play of the late fifteenth century, Joseph is marginalized as a man and saint. Even if his behaviour is understandable from the religious point of view, it is strange from the patriarchal perspective. When Joseph cradles the Child, his position becomes so precarious that he is beaten by two maidservants. In the Lutheran Christmas play of 1541, on the other hand, Joseph personifies the ideal of a Protestant housefather. Heinrich Knaust staged Joseph as a deputy of God who is assigned the responsibility for his family and permitted to exercise authority. Rather than being subjected to laughter, the Joseph of the Reformation is intended to arouse admiration and inspire emulation.

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