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Resumen de Zur Problematik der Übersetzung richterlicher Methoden: Frankreich und Japan im 19. Jahrhundert')

Lena Foljanty

  • On the Problems o/ Translating Judicial Practice - France and Japan in the 19'h century:

    What do es it mean to shape judicial practice in a process of massive legal transfer? The translation of the normative framework and the institutional settings into a foreign legal culture might be difficult; even more difficult is translating methods, instruments and tools of decision-rnaking. The article suggests in a first step how legal historians can reconstruct these unwritten methods of judicial practice. In a second step, it discusses the case of France and Japan in late 19th century, It argues that due to the fact that methods of decision-making are highly dependent to socializations, habitus and experiences, they were not translatable when Japan set out for building up a court system shaped according to the French model. This untranslatability created a gap - a gap that had to be filled by creating an own experience based habitus. - Keywords: Legal Practice, Legal Methodologies, Entangled Legal History, Legal Transfer

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