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Resumen de Rise of the strategy machines

Thomas H. Davenport

  • Just as contemporary autonomous vehicles can take the wheel under certain conditions, well see situations in which strategic decision making can be automated. Other situations, however, will require that a human strategist take the wheel and change direction. Big-picture thinking is one capability at which humans are still better than computers and will continue to be for some time. Machines are not very good at piecing together a big picture in the first place, or at noticing when the landscape has changed in some fundamental way. Good human strategists do this every day. In a world of smart, strategic machines, humans need to excel at big-picture thinking in order to decide, for example, when automation is appropriate for a decision; what roles machines and people will play, respectively; and when an automated strategy approach their organization has implemented no longer makes sense. There is a level of sense-making that only a human strategist is capable of at least for now. Its a skill that will be more prized than ever.

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