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Resumen de Expletive Negation, Negative Concord and Feature Checking

María Teresa Espinal Farre

  • The aim of this paper is to explore some aspects of the syntax-semantics interface representa-tions which correspond to expletive negation (EN) and negative concord (NC). I shall postulate that a syntactic operation of logical absorption, conceived as feature checking, is needed in the theory of grammar in order to account for both phenomena. EN instantiates a nonnegative context; it will be characterized by means of a covert negative feature movement, from either a light negative marker or a negative indefinite, up to a nonveridical Xº head. NC instantiates a negative context; it will be characterized as either category movement (when the Spec-Head relation holds in explicit syntax) or feature movement (when the Spec-Head relation does not hold in overt syntax) to an averidical Negº head

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