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Resumen de Pragmasyntax: towards a cognitive typology of the attention information flow in Udi narratives

Wolfgang Schulze

  • The present paper starts with the assumption that linguistic knowledge encompasses cognitive ruotines of syntactic organization that are grounded in the articulated or perceived linearization of world experience. Accordingly, features like word order, preferences in handling clausal actants in co-paradigmatization with their behavioral properties, referential tracking, framing and pragmatic variation constitute the attention information flow (AIF) as expressed in language use. The ensemble of AIF features is termed Pragmasyntax, whic is said to be part of the routinized and entrenched linguistic knowledge just as other domains of grammar. I will illustrate this usagebased approach with the help of data stemming from two narratives in Udi, a Southeast Caucasian language from Azarbaijan. The anlysis also aims at designing the first draft of a cognitive grammar of the AIF organization embedded into a more general framework of linguistic constructivism.

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