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Resumen de AnaPorkDSS: a decision support system to evaluate pig production economics

Xavier Ezcurra Ciaurriz, Lluís Miquel Plà

  • A decision support system to evaluate pig production economics (AnaPorkDSS) based on a spreadsheet model has been developed to estimate net present value and costs associated with the pig production activity under Spanish conditions. This article describes the model structure, input data requirements, and summarizes basic reports generated by the model. The model is capable of estimating net present value for a farrowing-to-finish farm producing pigs that are sold to the slaughterhouse. Incomes from sales are estimated for both fattened pigs and culled sows and boars. The AnaPorkDSS is written as a multipage spreadsheet model and is operated on a PC in a windows environment. Different macros are included in the model which assure the consistency of input parameters and the management of menus. The analysis of the starting up of the activity is used to illustrate the usefulness of the AnaPorkDSS.

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