The paper focuses on the practices of mobility in a subarban area of Rome: the parish of San Giovanni in Laterano. By using demographic sources - the Stati d'anime-, it aims to prove that suburban areas where not separated and isolated from the rest of the city, and that they were continuosusly crossed by various kinds of mouvements. Indeed, the mobility of the inhabitants of Rome, either temporary or permenent, relied the habitato (the heart of the city) to the peripheral, suburban areas -such as San Giovanni- and to the ager romanus outisde the walls- and viceversa. After having described the territory and the mobility practice around the walls of the city, the article shows the impact of the presence of temporary migrants and "unsettled" individuals on the area of San Giovanni (section 2). Then it focuses on the mobility of the vineyards, living in this suburban area, to the habitato and viceversa, the reasons that pushed residents of the habitato to move on a regular basis to the perophery of the city.
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