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Resumen de El infinitivo personal de las oraciones adverbiales en el español de Centroamérica (The Personal Infinitive in Adverbial Clauses in Central American Spanish)

Giselle Herrera Morera

  • español

    En este trabajo se describen y analizan desde una perspectiva tipológico-funcional las estructuras de infinitivo personal en las oraciones adverbiales introducidas por una preposición + sujeto pronominal + infinitivo [PSpI] en el español de Centroamérica. Se concluye que no hay una tendencia al empleo de tal estructura en esta variedad, aunque se manifiesta como un fenómeno incipiente que podría acentuarse. This paper describes and analyzes, from a typological-functional perspective, personal infinitive structures in adverbial clauses introduced by a preposition + pronoun subject + infinitive [PSpI] in Central American Spanish to show that although there is not a trend to use this structure in this variety, it is an emerging phenomenon that could increase. 

  • English

    This paper describes and analyzes, from a typological-functional perspective, personal infinitive structures in adverbial clauses introduced by a preposition + pronoun subject + infinitive [PSpI] in Central American Spanish to show that although there is not a trend to use this structure in this variety, it is an emerging phenomenon that could increase. 

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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