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Resumen de Delivering E-Learning trhough Technology in Open and Distance Learning

Parameswara Rao

  • With the rapid development and advancement of InfoCommunication Technologies (ICT), the ICT industry is now armed with an alternate and pervasive technology choice and real solution to provide visionary, intelligent services like eLearning, eHealth, etc., to remote areas of countries and communities, economically, with high availability, resiliency, scalability and Quality of Service (QoS) and which also can be deployed rapidly in disaster situations . Traditional Telecommunications system solutions and thinking using wireless, either microwave or point to multi-point in the past have been used effectively for Voice/Facsimile, payphone and legacy communications, where fixed cable networks are uneconomical to provide and which from an engineering point of view, will not work due to distance. However, the big failing of such systems and technologies, was the ability to be able to deliver ‘Bandwidth’. Use of these systems and technologies, has satisfied the concept of Universal Service Obligation (USO, by providing basic services, in some cases a single solar powered payphone in a village or a small number of voice connections. Technologies such as Broadcast, Satellite are still viable technologies, to serve the rural communities and will still have a role, but with the advent of modern Fixed Wireless Broadband Access solutions, there is now a pervasive and vibrant technology and interest from the manufacturers and service providers, to deploy such systems and economically makes a lot of sense. Recent tragedies like the recent Tsunami have highlighted the problems of communicating over a distance, reaching out to devastated remote communities and areas and for relief agencies to go into devastated areas and help the stricken communities. Wireless Broadband is the answer and can be deployed quickly. Where schools have been demolished and teachers killed, eLearning is a fast way to restore teaching and to make sure that an education system is up and running quickly and effectively, through a medium i.e. Computers, which is readily understandable to the Community Generation (Generation –C). Life can thus return to near normality, using advanced technologies. This paper sets-out to discuss how eLearning can be delivered over a modern Fixed Wireless Broadband Access system, and some ideas and concepts, how eLearning should be presented, based upon sound teaching techniques and focusing on the Learning process. Use of Fixed Wireless Broadband Access can be utilized effectively and economically to serve rural areas, and bridge the ‘Digital divide’, but can also be used to serve peri-urban and urban areas as part of a solution, mix of technologies. There is no ‘one size fits all’ technology solution, to meet the needs of the community, across all segments of work and life. Services such as Education in the form of eLearning or Distance Learning, Health Care in the form of eHealth or TeleMedicine and other services to the local Police, Fire, Internal Security, Religious Affairs Departments etc., can all be provided over a Fixed Wireless Broadband Access Network with the required level of security and the key is simply one word...... ‘Bandwidth’. In addition to the above, some Fixed Wireless Broadband Access technologies, now also allow provision of legacy services, like POTS and facsimile, at the same time providing Broadband access, thus solving basic communications problems.

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