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Resumen de Anchoring problem-solving and computation instruction in context-rich learning environments

Brian A. Bottge, Enrique Rueda, Timothy S. Grant, Ana C. Stephens, Perry T. Laroque

  • Middle school students with learning disabilities in math (MLD) used two versions of Enhanced Anchored Instruction (EAI). In one condition, students learned how to compute with fractions on an as-needed basis while they worked to solve the EAI problems. In the other condition, teachers used a computer-based instructional module in place of one of the EAI problems to deliver formal fraction instruction. The results indicated that students in both instructional formats improved their fraction computational skills and that formal instruction provided an added benefit. Both instructional conditions improved students' problem-solving skills by about the same amount. The findings suggest that combining formal fraction instruction with EAI is a viable way to improve the problem-solving and computational skills of students with MLD.

Fundación Dialnet

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