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Resumen de Liberalization and Color TV industry in India

Venkata Seshaiah, Radha Krishna

  • The Color TV industry in India has seen a gamut of changes in the past one decade as liberalization set in the Indian subcontinent making its market highly competitive and consumer driven. The Indian consumer is indifferent in choosing the brand, since a lot of close substitute available in the market. In the process the producers became price takers rather than price setters and Color T.V. became necessity good. The Indian consumer has changed ever since the India liberalized its economy. The Indian consumer not only wants a variety in the products but also demands high quality and service in those products. The consumer durable sector comprises of a gamut of products each with a cheesed off past. However considering television to be a pioneer lifestyle product our research paper delves into those facts, reasons and trends that substantiate this phenomenal change. With the fast changing liberalization policies, changing and growing demands of the consumers made the industry competitive. The constant desire of the companies (domestic or international) to have a major share in the market often leads them to die many deaths which has became a hackneyed phenomenon in this sector of Liberalized India if the companies are not in able to cope with changing reforms and the changing tastes and preferences of the consumers. Hence we made an attempt to analyze the factors that influence the buying decision of the consumer in choosing the brand by taking the variables other than the family roles and social influences The results revealed that the purchasing decision of the consumer depends on Quality, Goodwill Popularity, Affordability, Features, and Support Services of the product, this phenomenon observed in all income groups. The results also revealed that the brand preference is independent of age, income and education.

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