Susana Finquelievich, Silvia Lago Martínez
Este trabajo refiere los resultados de dos investigaciones desarrolladas porlas autoras y su equipo de investigación1, aportando una perspectiva de génerosobre la problemática del uso de las TIC para reducir la pobreza. Los datosse relevaron, vía Internet, sobre los programas nacionales de TIC y de acciónsocial, en Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, Cuba, Perú, Chile, México, Colombiay Venezuela. Se analiza por un lado si, y cómo, las TIC afectan de maneradiferente a hombres y mujeres en la disminución (o mantenimiento, o incremento)de la pobreza, y por otro, si las políticas establecen estrategias desdeuna perspectiva de género para integrar efectivamente a las mujeres ala Sociedad de la Información.
In this paper the results of two researches made by these authors and their investigation team are presented, giving a gender perspective on this debate.
Data are supplied over Internet, for national programmes, in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Cuba, Peru, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela. Herein is analysed, on one hand, whether and how ICTs affect in a different way to men and woman with respect to reduction (either maintenance or increase) of poverty, and on the other hand, whether the policies set up strategies from a gender perspective in order to integrate effectively the women into the Information Society. In governmental actions pursuing incorporation of Its, as well as those initiatives referred to sustainable development, we have proceeded to identify the actions dedicated to moderate the differences of economic and educational opportunities between genders. The links have also been identified amidst programmes, plans, and projects whose goals are the national building of Information Society, aimed at the incorporation of ICTs;
and those goals targeted to attain sustainable development and reduction of poverty. Finally, proposals of strategies and policies for using ICTs and so to impel the development in Latin America and the Caribbean are carried out
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