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Resumen de Reform and Openness of the Chinese Economy: Effects on Regional Convergence. (Beta and Sigma Convergence, 2000-2010)

José Manuel García de la Cruz, Bo Feng

  • Over the past years, the economy of the People’s Republic of China has maintained a remarkable rate of growth which has made China the new economic and commercial power of the world. Nevertheless, China’s growth cannot hide the clear disparity in terms of participation and territorial distribution of this economic growth or the inequality in level of development in different Chinese provinces. However, at the beginning of 21st century a series of public policies to stimulate and to adjust the transformations, it has had an effects on economic convergence between different chinese regional economies. In this article the methodological proposals of Barro and Sala i Martin (1992, 2003) are followed regarding the need to differentiate between the effects of what they call Beta (?) and Sigma (?) convergence in order to qualify regional economic movements.

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