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Resumen de La evaluación del aprender a especializarse en el postgrado

Guillermo Bernaza Rodríguez, Mario Clemente Zaldívar Salazar, Odalys Fuente Sordo

  • español

    La evaluación del aprender a especializarse en el postgrado constituye un problema aún no resuelto. Ese proceso tiene como fin lograr un desempeño con alta especialización, lo cual significa el desarollo de capacidades profesionales específicas para determinado desempeño en el puesto de trabajo. El artículo propone para la discusión un conjunto de etapas de ese proceso de perfeccionamiento profesional y su evaluación: objetivo, objeto, formas, instrumentos e indicadores evaluativos.

  • English

    The evaluation of learning how to specialize in the graduate degree even not constitutes a problem resolved. That process has as end to achieve an acting with high specialization, that which means the development of specific professional capacities for certain acting in the work position. The article proposes for the discussion a group of stages of that process of professional improvement and its evaluation: objective, object, forms, instruments and evaluation indicators. The evaluation of learning how to specialize in the graduate degree even not constitutes a problem resolved. That process has as end to achieve an acting with high specialization, that which means the development of specific professional capacities for certain acting in the work position. The article proposes for the discussion a group of stages of that process of professional improvement and its evaluation: objective, object, forms, instruments and evaluation indicators.

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