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Resumen de Stop-motion para la alfabetización digital en Educación Primaria

Koun-Tem Sun, Chun-Huang Wang, Ming-Chi Liu

  • español

    aunque los medios digitales se reconocen como proveedores de las competencias esenciales requeridas para vivir en la nueva era mediática, en la educación obligatoria de taiwan todavía están comenzando a ganar relevancia. una de las razones para esta situación es la educación centrada en un sistema de evaluación, cuyo resultado directo se refleja en los escasos recursos dedicados a este tipo de aprendizaje informal. otro motivo importante es que los docentes tienden a pensar en la educación mediática como una serie de operaciones puramente técnicas, lo que podría implicar que el aprendizaje en medios digitales de los estudiantes no tiene mucho sentido. por lo tanto, este estudio diseñó una exposición mediática basada en el modelo de aprendizaje experiencial de kolb para enseñar a los alumnos el concepto de las películas stop-motion y sus técnicas de producción. el estudio experimental involucró a 247 alumnos de tercer curso de primaria organizados en grupos para participar en la exhibición experiencial. los resultados sugieren que los estudiantes han mejorado su conocimiento de las películas stop-motion. además, el análisis de las películas producidas por ellos mismos muestra una mejora en sus habilidades mediáticas para representar sus ideas y comunicarse.

    por otro lado, el análisis comparativo de variables demográficas revela una mayor eficiencia entre las alumnas con respecto a los alumnos, además, los conocimientos previos del alumnado no influyen en la adquisición de conocimientos. dados estos resultados y según las observaciones, concluimos que la exhibición experiencial propuesta es una vía prometedora para el fomento de la alfabetización digital entre los alumnos de educación primaria.

  • English

    Although digital media literacy is recognized as the essential competencies required for living in a new media age, it just starts to gain focus in Taiwan's elementary education. One of the reasons is examination-oriented education, with the result that diverts scarce resources away from this informal learning. The other reason is that educators tend to think digital media education as a series of purely technical operation, which might lead student digital media learning to mindless work. Therefore, this study designed a media exhibition based on Kolb's experiential learning model for teaching students concepts of stop-motion films and techniques of film production. A design experiment involved 247 third-grade elementary students that were grouped to visit the experiential exhibition. The findings suggest that the students have improved their knowledge of stop-motion films. Analysis of these produced films also shows that they have improved their media ability to represent their ideas and communicate with others. Through the analysis of the influence of demographics on the knowledge test, the findings revealed that the experiential exhibition is more effective for female elementary students and students' relevant previous experiences may not affect their acquired knowledge. Given those results and observations, we believe that the proposed experiential exhibition is a promising way to carry out digital media literacy education in elementary schools.Although digital media literacy is recognized as the essential competencies required for living in a new media age, it just starts to gain focus in Taiwan's elementary education. One of the reasons is examination-oriented education, with the result that diverts scarce resources away from this informal learning. The other reason is that educators tend to think digital media education as a series of purely technical operation, which might lead student digital media learning to mindless work. Therefore, this study designed a media exhibition based on Kolb's experiential learning model for teaching students concepts of stop-motion films and techniques of film production. A design experiment involved 247 third-grade elementary students that were grouped to visit the experiential exhibition. The findings suggest that the students have improved their knowledge of stop-motion films. Analysis of these produced films also shows that they have improved their media ability to represent their ideas and communicate with others. Through the analysis of the influence of demographics on the knowledge test, the findings revealed that the experiential exhibition is more effective for female elementary students and students' relevant previous experiences may not affect their acquired knowledge. Given those results and observations, we believe that the proposed experiential exhibition is a promising way to carry out digital media literacy education in elementary schools.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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