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Resumen de Quand tout s'inverse: La dynamique concurrentielle du marché de l'accompagnement à la mobilité résidentielle en France

Thomas Sigaud, Benoit Cret

  • English

    When the French market for relocation services appeared at the end of the 1970s’, every condition for its complete embeddedness was gathered. Compartmentalized producers were able to mobilize embedded resources in a market where the price was quasi absent. However, price competition emerged at the end of the 2000s’. Mobilizing the sociology of N. Fligstein, the purpose of this article is to highlight the social conditions for the emergence of such a mode of cooperation and to emphasize that those competition-based relations are intensively social.

  • français

    Le marché de la relocation naît en France à la fin des années 1970 ; il présente toutes les caractéristiques d'un marché encastré. Alors que les offreurs disposent de toutes les ressources nécessaires pour l'éviter, ceux-ci introduisent cependant des pratiques concurrentielles de pression sur les prix. En mobilisant le cadre théorique proposé par N. Fligstein, cet article vise deux objectifs : expliciter les conditions d'émergence de telles pratiques et en extraire les caractéristiques d'emblée sociales.Upside-down: the Dynamics of Competition in the French Market for Relocation ServicesWhen the French market for relocation services appeared at the end of the 1970s', every condition for its complete embeddedness was gathered. Compartmentalized producers were able to mobilize embedded resources in a market where the price was quasi absent. However, price competition emerged at the end of the 2000s'. Mobilizing the sociology of N. Fligstein, the purpose of this article is to highlight the social conditions for the emergence of such a mode of cooperation and to emphasize that those competition-based relations are intensively social.

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