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Resumen de Rare Earths: US gets ready to cooperate

Antonio Torrisi

  • Mountain Pass alone cannot guarantee REE supply for the entire US high-tech, military, automotive and other end-markets. Moreover, Mountain Pass' REE resources consist principally of light REE (LREE), which are lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), neodymium (Nd), promethium (Pm), samarium (Sm), europium (Eu) and gadolinium (Gd), the majority of which are not used in strategic applications such as permanent magnets.

    "The true goal is to force all global REE based technology inside China. A few highly vulnerable REE projects outside China will not stem the current flow of technology companies going into China," [Jim Kennedy] said.

    "Ucore is interested in Molycorp's'mines to magnets' strategy. Ucore is taking the appropriate steps to deliver REE for magnet applications.

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