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Resumen de Modular categories associated with unipotent groups

Tanmay Deshpande

  • Let GG be a unipotent algebraic group over an algebraically closed field kk of characteristic p>0p>0 and let l≠pl≠p be another prime. Let ee be a minimal idempotent in DG(G)DG(G) , the Q¯¯¯¯lQ¯l -linear triangulated braided monoidal category of GG -equivariant (for the conjugation action) Q¯¯¯¯lQ¯l -complexes on GG under convolution (with compact support) of complexes. Then, by a construction due to Boyarchenko and Drinfeld, we can associate to GG and ee a modular category MG,eMG,e . In this paper, we prove that the modular categories that arise in this way from unipotent groups are precisely those in the class C±pCp± .

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