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Resumen de Characterization of supply chain problems

Rafael Guillermo García Cáceres, John Willmer Escobar

  • español

    El trabajo identifica 123 problemáticas cada una de las cuales es vinculada en la estructura mediante una notación. Para ilustrar el desarrollo de trabajos futuros se usa como ejemplo de caracterización el problema de programación de la producción. La estructura aquí definida establece una base que facilita el despliegue teórico de nuevos desarrollos en gerencia de la cadena de abastecimiento y a su vez facilita la labor de los tomadores de decisión. El trabajo representa un esfuerzo por establecer una visión holística para el estudio de la cadena y su mejoramiento en términos de competitividad y sostenibilidad en pro del beneficio de sus stakeholders.

  • English

    The current contribution intends to identify, characterize and provide context to the most usual supply chain problems. One hundred and twenty three SC problems were identified and addressed in a specific area that locates them within the context of the fundamental SC components. The conceptual framework developed here identifies different degrees of similarity among SC problems. Finally, as a practical example, the production scheduling problem is characterized. By making the interactions among SC problems and the implications of the available decisions that are likely to solve them clear, the present contribution is not only a useful scorecard for decision makers, but it is also an upgraded conceptual development for theoreticians on the topic. As they are the central object of business competitiveness, SC improvements such as the present one are greatly valuable in terms of the social and economic profit of more efficient chains, sustainable organizations and wealthy stakeholders.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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