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Resumen de Que foi das mulleres da terra e do mar na literatura galega?

Inmaculada Otero Varela

  • galego

    O tratamento que os autores fan das personaxes femininas asociadas ao mar e ao medio rural ata finais do século XX vai parella á mitificación da muller popular que realizan os homes do nacionalismo. As escritoras, en cambio, refugaron maioritariamente os traballos precapitalistas das mulleres para apostaren por modelos que superasen a discriminación institucionalizada que asenta o patriarcado. Naquelas escasísimas obras escritas por mulleres onde se acollen suxeitos femininos relacionados co sector primario, estes adoitan ser máis reivindicativos e conscientes da súa dignidade laboral que os representados polos autores. A situación descrita muda en parte coa eclosión das poetas dos 90. A partir deste momento, percíbese un incremento de referencias ás traballadoras da terra e do mar como entes activos, tanto na produción literaria de autoras como de autores.

  • English

    Until the end of the twentieth century the writers’ approach to female characters associated with the sea and rural world is parallel to the mythification of the common woman promoted by nationalist men. However, most women writers try not to mention female pre-capitalist jobs and defend models which go beyond the institutionalized discrimination that the patriarchy is based on. In the few works written by women where we can find female characters related to the primary sector, they are usually more demanding and conscious of their work dignity than those who appear in books written by men. This situation is partly changed with the arrival of women poets in the 90s. From this moment on there has been an increasing number of references of women who work in the sea or in the country, not only in works written by women but also in those written by men.

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