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Resumen de O traballo das mulleres na LIX: o rural e o mar en tres obras pioneiras

Isabel Mociño González

  • galego

    Neste traballo analízase como se representou (ou silenciou) o traballo das mulleres no agro e no mar. Faise a través de, fundamentalmente, tres obras pioneiras que se publicaron dirixidas á infancia e xuventude: Memorias dun neno labrego (1961, 1968), de Xosé Neira Vilas; Mar adiante (1973), de María Victoria Moreno; e O segredo da Pedra Figueira (1985), de María Xosé Queizán. Son obras publicadas na fase de constitución do sistema literario que abriron vías ata o de entón inexploradas ou pouco tratadas e que serviron de modelo para creadores e creadoras posteriores. Considerámolas relevantes por confluír nelas tamén tradición e modernidade, ademais de amosaren de modos moi diversos o traballo das mulleres en diferentes ámbitos e dende diferentes perspectivas

  • English

    t I will analyse in this paper how the work of women both in the country and in the sea was represented (or silenced). I will carry this out mainly through three ground-breaking works that were published for children and adolescents: Memorias dun neno labrego, by Xosé Neira Vilas; Mar adiante (1973), by María Victoria Moreno; and O segredo da Pedra Figueira (1985), by María Xosé Queizán. These works were published during the consolidation period of this literary system and they meant the starting point of some innovative or barely treated views that were later taken as example by other writers. I consider them fundamental because they convey both tradition and modernity, besides portraying in very various ways the work of women in different fieldsand through different perspectives

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