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Resumen de L'influence du modèle soviétique sur la politique des minorités nationales en Chine

Marie-Clarie Bergère

  • English

    THE INFLUENCE OF THE SOVIET MODEL ON THE POLICY FOR NATIONAL MINORITIES IN CHINA : THE CASE OF SINKIANG 1949-1962, by MARIE-CLAIRE BERGÈRE On gaining power in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party outlined a policy on nationalities which was largely — but not totally — drawn from the Soviet model. Contrary to what happened in the economic sphere, for example, where the community of principles and vocabulary concealed the growing originality of Maoist strategy from 1955 onwards, Chinese policy on nationalities rejected certain theoretical aspects of the Soviet model from the outset (federalism in particular), but proved in practice to be very close to Soviet policy. Though they are both imbued by a Marxist-Leninist doctrine which attaches only passing importance to nationalism, China and the USSR confronted one another on the Sinkiang border in a conflict which changed the facts but continued the tradition of the great imperialist confrontations of the 19th century in Central Asia. [Revue française de science politique XXIX (3), juin 1979, pp. 402-425.]

  • français

    L'INFLUENCE DU MODÈLE SOVIÉTIQUE SUR LA POLITIQUE DES MINORITÉS NATIONALES EN CHINE : LE CAS DU SINKIANG 1949-1962, par MARIE-CLAIRE BERGÈRE A son arrivée au pouvoir, en 1949, le PCC définit une politique des nationalités largement — mais non totalement — inspirée du modèle soviétique. Contrairement à ce qui se passe dans le domaine économique par exemple, où la communauté des principes et des vocabulaires recouvre à partir de 1955 une originalité croissante de la stratégie maoïste, la politique chinoise des nationalités refuse d'emblée certains aspects théoriques du modèle soviétique (le fédéralisme, en particulier) mais s'avère dans la pratique très proche de celle de l'URSS. Inspirées l'une et l'autre par un marxisme-léninisme qui n'accorde au nationalisme qu'une importance transitoire, la Chine et l'URSS se dressent l'une contre l'autre aux frontières du Sinkiang dans un conflit qui renouvelle les données, mais continue la tradition, des grands affrontements impérialistes du XIXe siècle en Asie centrale. [Revue française de science politique XXIX (3), juin 1979, pp. 402-425.] THE INFLUENCE OF THE SOVIET MODEL ON THE POLICY FOR NATIONAL MINORITIES IN CHINA THE CASE OF SINKIANG 1949-1962 MARIE-CLAIRE BERG RE On gaining power in 1949 the Chinese Communist Party outlined policy on nationali ties which was largely but not totally drawn from the Soviet model Contrary to what happened in the economic sphere for example where the community of principles and vocabulary concealed the growing originality of Maoist strategy from 1955 onwards Chinese policy on nationalities rejected certain theoretical aspects of the Soviet model from the outset federalism in particular) but proved in practice to be very close to Soviet policy Though they are both imbued by Marxist-Leninist doctrine whicb atta ches only passing importance to nationalism China and the USSR confronted one ano ther on the Sinkiang border in conflict which changed the facts but continued the tra dition of the great imperialist confrontations of the 19th century in Central Asia Revue fran aise de science politique XXIX 7) juin 1979 pp 402-425

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