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Resumen de Anísio Teixeira e as Ciências Sociais * Anísio Teixeira and the Social Sciences

Karen Fernanda da Silva Bortoloti

  • português

    O presente trabalho examina as ideias do educador baiano Anísio Spínola Teixeira entre os anos 1946 e 1960, focalizando as suas concepções acerca das Ciências Sociais, que estiveram presentes nas propostas e práticas do movimento de renovação educacional. Tendo por pressuposto que o pensamento e as realizações de Teixeira devem ser compreendidos dentro do contexto, o trabalho considera a relação do movimento renovador com as ciências sociais. O referencial metodológico empregado adota o princípio de que Teixeira procede a uma apropriação das Ciências Sociais, recontextualizando conceitos e enunciados. O trabalho evidencia Teixeira pensando a educação a partir das Ciências Sociais, compreendendo as exigências da sociedade e as peculiaridades do indivíduo, rompendo a dicotomia entre o particular e o coletivo.   

  • English

    This paper examines the ideas and actions of Anísio Spinola Teixeira, an educator from Bahia State, between the years 1946 and 1960, focusing on his conceptions of the social sciences, which were significantly present in the proposals and practices of the movement of the Brazilian educational renewal. Taking for granted that the thinking and accomplishments of Teixeira should be understood in the context in which they were developed, the work considers the relationship of the renewal movement in the social sciences. The methodological framework employed adopts the principle that Teixeira held an appropriation of knowledge of Social Sciences, recontextualizing concepts and statements under the situation in which it is situated. This work shows Teixeira thinking education from the references of Social Sciences to formulate a global view of man, including the demands of society and the peculiarities of the individual, breaking the dichotomy between the individual and the collective.

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