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Resumen de The Self-Authoring of a Music Educator: A Journey Through Figured Worlds

Sean R. Powell

  • "In this narrative, I tell the story of a music educator working on the West Side of Chicago through the theoretical lenses of Bakhtin’s (1981) dialogism and Holland, Lachicotte, Skinner, and Cain’s (2001) concept of figured worlds. Over the course of 2 years (fall 2013 to spring 2015), I documented her story through Skype interviews and written correspondence. Through this story, I chronicle this individual’s process of “becoming” a music educator. I recount the development of a band program within an inner-city school and illuminate issues of race, class, sexual orientation, and gender identity with implications for music teacher education".

    I am finding myself profoundly overwhelmed. I understand that the task at hand in this particular job is a very different task than many other teaching jobs. To be frank, that understanding is not really helping. I am not immune. I am not invul- nerable. It makes me want to walk away from that school and never come back. I found out last week that my job is at risk. That there is a very good possibility that I will be forced elsewhere. In a way I am a little relieved that someone might tell me I need to find another job, and at the same time, my heart breaks that I might not be able to stay here with these amazing little people.

    —Abigail, blog post, February 12, 2013

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