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Resumen de Brevi note sull'Efficacia probatoria del certificato successorio europeo riguardante la successione di un soggetto coniugato o legato da unione non matrimoniale

Domenico Damascelli

  • English

    The article refutes the doctrinal view according to which the European Certifícate of Succession (ECS) would not produce its effects with regard to the elements referred to therein that relate to questions excluded from the material scope of Regulation EU No 650/2012, such as questions relating to matrimonial property regimes and property regimes of relationships deemed by the law applicahle to such relationships to have comparable effects to marriage. This view is rejected not only on the basis of its paradoxical practical results (namely to substantially depriving the ECS of any usefulness), but mainly because it ends up reserving the ECS a pejorative treatment compared to that afforded to the analogous certificates issued in accordance with the substantive law of the Member States (the effects of which, vice versa, have to be recognized without exceptions under Chapter TV of the Regulation). The rebuttal is strengthened considering the provisions contained in Chapter VI of the Regulation, from which it emerges that, apart from exceptional cases (related, for example, to the falsity or the manifest inaccuracy of the ECS), individuáis to whom is presented cannot dispute the effects of ECS.

  • italiano

    SOMMARIO: 1. Le questioni riguardanti i regimi patrimoniali tra coniugi e i regimi patrimoniali relativi a rapporti che secondo la legge applicabile a questi ultimi hanno effetti comparabiü al matrimonio disciplínate dal regolamento (UE) n. 650/2012. - 2. Le questioni del medesimo tipo non disciplinate dal regolamento (UE) n. 650/2012 ma che spiegano influenza sulla formazione della massa ereditaria. - 3. L'impossibilitá di contestare gli effetti del certificato successorio europeo per i l fatto che essi inseriscono a elementí accertati sulla base di una legge non designata dalle norme di conflitto contenute nel regolamento (UE) n. 650/2012. - 4. L'assenza di motivi di diniego del riconoscimento del certificato e i mezzi di controllo della sua correttezza. - 5. Condusioni

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