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Resumen de Black Consciousness in James Baldwin’s Go Tell It on the Mountain

Amaladhas Dr. J.

  • Black Consciousness implies the consciousness of being an African American and of being sensitively aware of the culture, history and all that is connected to the African American with present, past and the future. Black consciousness grew out of the unrelieved suffering and psychological traumas of a group of people who were subjected to overt and covert racism in the USA for about four centuries. It gives us an insight into their predicaments. In a way, it is a counter-culture to racism and definitely not a means to hatred, but is aiming at social change. Hansberry introduces spirituals, Jazz and blues and other aspects of African American culture throughout Raisin. He feels that the liberation that the Africans need is not a religious conversion which leads to further exploitation, but political freedom. DOI: 10.5958/2347-6869.2017.00011.5

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