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Resumen de Development of the social and environmental maps of the big city based on sociological, geospatial and artificial neuron networks methods: The case of the city of Kazan, Russia

Polina Ermolaeva, Oleg Yermolaev, Renat Selivanov

  • The main objective of the research is to apply up-to-date methods of neural network, geospatial and artificial neuron networks methods to create a social and ecological map of Kazan, Russia. The main variables for the urban zoning included citizens’ environmental concerns, intentions towards environmental proactive behavior and environmental behaviors. The assessment of the city's landscape characteristics considered along with public opinion of the citizens allowed authors to create the most adequate model of the spatial map of an urban area. The findings suggest that the most environmentally consciousness and active citizens, on the one hand, represent the most environmentally vulnerable groups, on the other hand, high-resource groups. The results could be explained with the domination of post-material values (to which the healthy environment belongs) among high-resource groups of Kazan citizens, on the other hand, and the activation of the environmental self-protective behavior among vulnerable groups of citizens living in the environmentally hostile city areas. 

Fundación Dialnet

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