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Resumen de Pedagogical conditions for gifted students' development and education: Overseas data

Gulnara Faritovna Gali, Irina Zinovievna Shakhnina, Farida Farida Mukhametzyanova, Alexander Sergeevich Chugunov

  • The article is devoted to one of the most urgent problems of modern pedagogy - the identification and development of gifted students, as well as the training of pedagogical personnel for work with them. This problem is considered to be universal. The article deals with the problems of gifted students' diagnostics, development and training. Also it analyzes the main components of teacher's professional qualification for working with gifted students, including its personal characteristics. The analysis reveals the current directions of work with gifted students and justifies the need to study international experience, which undoubtedly contributes to improving of gifted students' education and the system of teacher training for this category of students in Russia. The leading approach in the study of this issue is the methodological principle of systemic nature that allows the researches to take into account and structure various aspects and presupposes the elimination of one-sidedness in the selection and evaluation of factors. The main results of the research are to identify the conditions for the intellectual and personal growth of gifted students in schools and the system of additional education, as well as the requirements for the professional competencies of teachers. The materials of the article can be useful for teachers, educators, students and a wide range of readers who are involved in the system of working with gifted students.

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