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Resumen de Identificación de helmintos en carpa común (Cyprinus carpio) de un ecosistema acuático en el norte de México

Héctor Rubio Arias, Magali Domínguez Chacón, Martín Hernández, María Eduviges Burrola Barraza, Luis Humberto Colmenero Sujo, María de Lourdes Villalba

  • español

    El pescado es un alimento imprescindible en la dieta humana, debido a que su consumo provee proteínas, lípidos, sales minerales, carbohidratos y vitaminas. Sin embargo, el parasitismo en los peces es un fenómeno que puede afectar a la salud humana. El objetivo del trabajo fue identificar la morfología de helmintos en carpa común (Cyprinus carpio) procedentes de la Laguna de Bustillos en Chihuahua, México. En otoño de 2011 se colectaron 30 especímenes (N= 30) y se realizó un análisis parasitoscópico determinando la frecuencia total parasitaria (FT) y la frecuencia parasitaria por especie (FP). Se encontró una FT de 90%, en la que Gyrodactylus spp. se localizó en agallas, Pseudocapillaria tomentosa en intestino y Botriocephalus acheilognathi parasitando la mucosa intestinal. Se observó una FP de P. tomentosa con 83.33%, de Gyrodactylus spp. con 76.67% y de B. acheilognathi con 6.67%. Se recomienda que el consumidor realice la ingesta de pescado atendiendo medidas sanitarias como su preparación a 60 °C por más de 10 min para matar las larvas que pudieran ser zoonóticas al ser humano.

  • English

    Fish constitute an essential part of human diet, because its consumption provides important nutrients such as protein, lipids, mineral salts, carbohydrates and vitamins. However, despite these benefits, it has been discovered that parasitism in fish is a common phenomenon that represents a potentially risk for human health. Therefore, the study of the presence of helminthes in individuals of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) present in the Laguna de Bustillos, Chihuahua, Mexico, was established as the objective of this research. During the period from September to November 2011, a total of 30 fishes (N= 30) were captured and summated to a parasitoscopic analysis that allowed obtaining the total frequency of parasitism (FT) and frequency of parasitism (FP) by specie were determined. The results showed up a FT of 90%, finding Gyrodactylus spp. in gills, Pseudocapillaria tomentosa in the intestine and Botriocephalus acheilognathi in the intestinal mucosa from the fish specimens studied. The FP obtained was about 83.33% for P. tomentosa, about 76.67% for Gyrodactylus spp. and 6.67% for B. acheilognathi. Due to the high frequency of helminthes found in common carp, it is highly recommended that the consumption of these fish to be after the necessary sanitary measures, such as cooking the fish above 60 °C for over 10 min; action that will allow the elimination of larvae which may be zoonotic to humans.

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