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Resumen de Rethinking enabling occupational performance: Can the self-driving car be our road map?: Can the self-driving car be our road map?

Helene J. Polatajko

  • Over the course of about 20 years of research, our lab had learned how to enable individuals, with all manner of performance problems, to experience performance success, ranging from the relatively mild problems seen in children with developmental coordination disorder to the severe problems seen in adults after a stroke or even in youth with dystonia. Using that metaphor allows us to understand that human occupational performance--as with the performance of the self-driving car--stems from two sources, hardware (the motor and sensory systems) and software (the neural networks). [...]the act of enabling human occupational performance must be one that includes the enablement of writing of neural code to support skill learning, and we, as occupational enablers, must become proficient in enabling our clients to write their own neural codes. At the risk of stretching the self-driving car metaphor too far, to enable our clients' occupational performance, we must develop expertise in (re)writing code to address "bugs" in their neural programs; we must become proficient at enabling them to (re)write their own code--that's what we did for Grace!

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