El chícharo (Pisum sativum, L.) es un cultivo de secano y en menor proporción de regadío, por lo que su producción en la franja norte de la provincia de Las Tunas, donde predomina un clima de tipo subhúmedo seco y suelos arcillosos pudiera ayudar a satisfacer la creciente demanda de alimento humano y animal, así como reducir la creciente degradación de los suelos por su posible uso como abono verde. Para determinar el régimen de riego óptimo económico del chícharo en esas condiciones se desarrolló un experimento en bloque al azar con 5 tratamientos (T1, T2, T3, T4 y T5) y 4 réplicas sobre un suelo Fersialítico pardo rojizo en la Unidad Básica de Producción Cooperativa “El Mijial”, en el que se evaluó el efecto del riego sobre el cultivar “Early snap” desde diciembre/2012 a marzo/2013. Los tratamientos se derivaron de láminas de evapotranspiración calculada (Etc) con empleo de los coeficientes de cultivo (Kc): 1,5; 1,25; 1,00 y 0,75 para T1, T2, T3 y T4 respectivamente y un testigo sin riego (T5). Se alcanzaron los mejores resultados productivos en los tratamientos T2 y T3 con intervalos de riego promedio de 16,5 y 23,2 días respectivamente y láminas anuales de riego de entre 100 y 200 mm. Por encima de esta lámina no se producen incrementos sustanciales en los rendimientos
In the northern fringe of the Cuban province of Las Tunas, a climate of dry subhumid and heavy clay soils predominate. The pea (Pisum sativum, L.) is classified by several authors as a rainfed crop and irrigated lesser extent, so its production in the area could be a solution to meet the growing demand of food for man and animals, as well as reduce the growing degradation by its possible use as a green manure. In order to determine the economic optimum irrigation regime of pea under dry subhumid climate conditions was carried out an experiment according to a randomized block design with 5 treatments (T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5) and 4 replicates on a reddish brown fersiallitic soil in Basic Unit of Cooperative Production "El Mijial", in which was evaluated the effect of different irrigation frequencies on cultivar "Early snap" during the period december/2012 to march/2013. The treatments were established from calculation of irrigation intervals sheet derivatives of calculated evapotranspiration (Etc) with the use of crop coefficients (Kc): 1,5; 1,25; 1,00; 0,75 for T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively and a control without irrigation (T5). Adequate water plant relationship atmosphere and the best productive results with the establishment of irrigation regime derived from T2 and T3 with average watering intervals 16,5 and 23,2 days, respectively, and water depths between 100 and 200 mm was achieved. The water-yield relationship study indicates that over 200 mm of total income not produced substantial increases in yields and a feasible function to be used for the choice of alternative irrigation farming from the point of view was obtained water supply.
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