Con la finalidad de impulsar estrategias de aprendizaje de la lectura y escritura del idioma inglés, así como las habilidades que se desarrollan para dicho fin, dentro del proceso de los Módulos de Inglés que se dictan en la Universidad Estatal de Milagro-Ecuador, se realizó este trabajo enfocado en los estudiantes de la Carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales. Ellos tienen dificultades en torno al aprendizaje de esta lengua, demandan motivación del docente, revisión de las técnicas y estrategias que utiliza durante el proceso de enseñanza, además de la necesidad de desarrollar habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita. Se utilizó el método descriptivo y la técnica de la encuesta. Ésta se aplicó a 103 estudiantes. Los resultados demostraron que en el 71% el nivel de los estudiantes es bajo, 45% de los estudiantes evidenció falta de comprensión en la lectura, 67% en cambio no presentó afinidad por la lectura. Se propone la incorporación de estrategias metodológicas activas que impulsen el desarrollo de habilidades basadas en el procesamiento gramatical y de estructuras, que permitan un buen desarrollo de la lectura y escritura, empleando acertadamente el vocabulario y estructuras gramaticales, logro de competencias y habilidades de comprensión del idioma inglés que conllevarían a una mejor calidad educativa.
ABSTRACTTo promote learning strategies for reading and writing in the English language and the skills that are included in the development of this process during the modules that are taught at the State University of Milagro, a descriptive research work directly focused on students of Engineering Systems was conducted. Through this, it was identified the aspects that affect negatively the learning process as well as the difficulty that students have in their study surroundings. It was found that students demand motivation from teachers as well as the use of appropriate techniques and strategies to transfer their knowledge to students. It is recommended that teachers use motivational teaching techniques, so that students can feel stimulated when learning this language since it is necessary to develop skills in oral and written communication with a permanent sense of exchange and cooperation which will provide greater security to students when reading and writing English. A descriptive method and surveys were used. The surveys were applied to 103 students. The results showed that 71% of students’ level is low, 45% of them said they have a lack of understanding in Reading and 67% do not present affinity for reading. This research proposes the incorporation of active methodological strategies that Foster the development of understanding and analysis skills, which are based on grammar and text patterns that allow the proper use of reading and writing in English when using vocabulary and grammatical structures in a correct way. Therefore, students will drop the fear and the difficulty they have in learning English. They will also generate confidence in their cognitive part to build and develop written texts according to their level of knowledge and this way, they will be able to reach meaningful learning
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