La expresión corporal supone un contenido importante como un mecanismo de comunicación con su medio. Es decir, se trata de un contenido de origen multidisciplinar, por lo que debemos definir cuál es el concepto del que partimos, así como las corrientes o pilares que sustentan nuestro trabajo en el ámbito educativo. También vamos a definir las finalidades u objetivos que pretendemos alcanzar a través de las capacidades expresivas, secuenciando éstas y mostrando algunas nociones didácticas para su desarrollo. El concepto de expresión corporal se ha analizado desde diferentes vertientes o ámbitos, como afirma Ortiz en su texto sobre la expresión corporal (2002), aunque este término es ambiguo y polivalente, nosotros lo abordamos desde el ámbito pedagógico, como un instrumento educativo más; pero a la vez, nunca dejando de lado lo que toda conducta o manifestación comunica. Ortiz (2002:25) realiza una aproximación al concepto de expresión corporal a partir de numerosas aportaciones de diversos autores. A partir de estas afirma que en el ámbito de la educación física y cualquier otra materia la expresión corporal debe contribuir al desarrollo integral del individuo potenciando el conocimiento y desarrollo del lenguaje corporal a través de diferentes técnicas que favorezcan: “revelar o exteriorizar lo más interno y profundo de cada individuo a través del cuerpo y el movimiento, es decir, expresar
To instill an environmental culture in the population constitutes an alternative to mitigate environmental impacts. It participates scientifically with a community intervention project that allowed the development of strategies to mitigate environmental pollution impacts. The objective of the research was to design an intervention project to contribute to the formation of the environmental culture of the inhabitants of the Jipiro Micro-watershed of the Loja basin, starting from the demonstration of the existence of the problem, and the awareness of the formal leaders and inhabitants of the region, this is applied from the methodology of community self-development that proposes a process of active participation of those involved in the determination and solution of the problem, in this case the local population and their formal and informal leaders. The evaluation of the results of the intervention project to contribute to the formation of environmental culture of the inhabitants corroborates the stated general hypothesis, indicate the awareness of the inhabitants about the problems of their environment, specifically the water problem and pollution of the investigated micro-watershed, in which a process of pollution is occurring that threatens the health and the very coexistence of man with nature and among the men themselves. During the intervention process, workshops were held to raise awareness among participants of the environmental problem of their community, since the formation of an environmental culture becomes an ecological and socio-political project, is not limited to mitigate environmental problems produced by the predatory development of natural resources, is oriented to the promotion of its qualitative transformations in the social conscience. From the perspective of community self-development, there are favorable changes in terms of critical awareness, identification of the main contradictions expressed between the actual deterioration situation of the micro-watershed and the environmental culture of the inhabitants to solve this deterioration. The willingness to participate in the tasks to solve the current problems and to prevent new problems is appreciated, this participation is based on processes of consideration.
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