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Resumen de Analysis of the determining factors of the quality and culture of higher education in the dual training system: Ecuador case from the european student perspective

Carmen Padilla Lozano, Danny Arévalo Avecillas, José Roberto Morales Vergara

  • The objective is to know the factors that define a good higher education in Ecuador with the Dual system taught at the Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil from the perspective of European foreign students. It seeks to know their points of view, their experience and main cultural aspects within the universities contrasted with the German culture.

    It will also be observed how the students lived their exchange program in a major with the same characteristics of their country of origin, as well as the perspective of Ecuadorian students who were in exchange programs in Germany. The study analyzed attitudes, academic relations with teachers using a frame of reference to the cultural dimensions of Hofstede.

    You will see the impact of language in their studies, why choosing a South American country as a place of exchange, reasons why they would return or not, their adaptation to the Ecuadorian dual education system and the recommendations that should be taken into consideration as improvements to the dual system.

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