Rosa Maria Alonso Rojas, María Luz Alonso, Itziar Corral
The search of alternative methods associated with the problems of environ-mental health is one of the great challenges of this century. The microencapsulation represents an acceptable choice to face this problem because of the numerous advan-tages which it has in this field. Among these advantages, the possibility of the reduc-tion of the toxicity for the environment and the mammals, the increase of the security in the handling for the worker and the customer, and last but not least the possibility to synthesise hydrosoluble compounds high (the solubility increases, thus the use of toxic and expensive organic solvents is eliminated) can be found.Our research group has synthesised microencapsulated products to be used as baits in the control of insect plagues. These baits contain biocides and natural bioattractants in order to create a more respectful product with the environment and the human being. Moreover, thanks to the use of bioattractants a commercially available more effective and selective product for particular species will be obtained.The microencapsulated biocides are pesticides that belong to the family of the in-secticides like nicotinoid and carbamates; fungicides as tebuconazole and synergists which increase the effectiveness of the pesticides, like piperonyl butoxide. On the other hand, the natural bioattractants are volatile compounds belonging to the family of ter-penes and alcohols. This research group has carried out different methods of microen-capsulation: spray drying, ionic gelation and inclusion complex formation. These mi-croencapsulation methods are fast and efficient using different encapsulation agents like polymers, gums and carbohydrates. Analytical methodologies have been also de-veloped to determine the concentrations of the active compounds and to monitor the release of bioattractants from the encapsulated product. A static headspace coupled to gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (HS-GC/MS) method has been developed and validated for this purpose.The achieved advances in microencapsulation represent a significant milestone to solve the problems associated with environmental health.
XXI. mendeko erronken artean, ingurumen-osasunean kalte egin dezake-ten arazoei aurre egiteko metodo alternatiboen bilaketa aurkitzen da. Arlo honetan, mi-krokapsularatzearen abantaila anitzek arazo horiei aurre egiteko baliozko aukera bat erakusten dute. Abantaila garrantzitsu horien artean aurkitzen dira ingurumenean eta ugaztunetan toxikotasuna murriztea, langileen zein bezeroen manipulazioan segurta-suna hobetzea eta uretan disolbagarritasun baxua duten konposatuen sintesia uretan ahalbidetzea. Horrela, ura disolbatzaile gisa erabiliz, disolbatzaile organiko toxikoen eta garestien erabilpena ekiditen da.Gure ikerkuntza-taldeak intsektuen izurriteen kontroleko amuen parte izango diren produktu mikrokapsularatuak sintetizatu ditu. Mikrokapsularatutako produktu horiek biozida eta bioerakarle naturalak dituzte, ingurumenarentzat zein gizakiarentzat erres-petagarriagoa den produktua lortzeko asmoz. Gainera, bioerakarleen erabilpenaren on-dorioz, amaierako produktu komertziala selektiboagoa eta eraginkorragoa izango da espezie zehatz batzuen aurka.Mikrokapsularatutako biozidak sinergisten familiako pestizidak dira. Adibide eza-gun bat piperonilo butoxidoa da. Biozidek intsektiziden, (piretroideak, nikotinoideak, karbamatoak...), fungiziden (tebukonazola) zein pestiziden gaitasuna areagotzeko gai-tasuna dute. Bioerakarle naturalak, berriz, alkoholen eta terpenoen familiako konposatu hegazkorrak dira. Mikrokapsularatze-metodo arinak eta errendimendu estekiometriko altukoak garatu izan dira polimeroekin, gomekin eta karbohidratoekin erabiltzeko, hala nola ihinztadura bidezko lehorketa, gelifikazio ionikoa eta inklusio-konplexuen era-ketako mikrokapsularatze-metodoak. Era berean, konposatu aktiboen kontzentrazioak determinatzeko, metodologia analitiko ezberdinak ikertu dira eta buruguneko gas-kro-matografia / masa-espektrometria detektoreko (Headspace Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, HS-GC/MS) teknika erabiliz giro-tenperaturan eta hezetasunean konpo-satu hegazkorren askapenaren monitorizazioa ikertu da.Mikrokapsularatze-prozesuan lortutako aurrerapenek mugarri esanguratsu bat adierazten dute ingurumen-osasunean dauden ingurumen-arazoak ebazteko.
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