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Resumen de Polioxometalatoak: Elhuyar anaien ametsak bizirik dirau!

Beñat Artetxe Arretxe, Santiago Reinoso, Juan Manuel Gutiérrez-Zorrilla López

  • English

    Polyoxometalates (POMs) are a well known class of anionic metal-oxygen clusters within the area of inorganic chemistry, with a large variety of shapes, composi-tions and structures. These features make POMs unique compounds with a wide range of applications in current fields of interest related to technology, economy and environ-ment. In spite of their traditional use as catalysts, they are nowadays being explored for very different issues such as wastewater treatment, medicine, quantum computing, re-newable energies or luminescent sensors. Therefore, POM chemistry can be considered as one of the most dynamic fields of the inorganic chemistry, as well as one of the fields with the greatest future

  • euskara

    Polioxometalatoak (POMak) kimika ez-organikoaren munduan ezagunak di-ren metalez eta oxigenoz osatutako kluster anionikoak dira. Azaldu ohi duten forma, kon-posizio eta propietate aniztasunaren ondorioz, POMek aplikazio ugari dituzte teknologiari, ekonomiari edo ingurugiroari lotutako arlo ezberdinetan. Nahiz eta aspaldidanik aplikazio katalitikoetan erabili, gaur egun etorkizunerako garrantzitsuak izango diren esparru oso ez-berdinetarako ikertzen ari dira, besteak beste, hondakin-uren tratamenduan, medikuntzan, konputazio kuantikoan, energia-iturri berriztagarrietan edota sentsore kimiko lumineszen-teetan. Horrengatik guztiagatik, polioxometalatoen kimika, etorkizun handiko kimika ez-organikoaren alorreko esparru dinamikoenetariko bat dela baiezta genezake.

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