En este trabajo se describe y analiza un material on line creado por los autores y dirigido a los alumnos del primer curso de las titulaciones de Economa y Empresa. Su principal objetivo es el desarrollo de una herramienta que permita a los estudiantes adquirir una base solida en Matematicas, para afrontar con garantas de exito el grado por el que haya optado, es decir, mejorar su rendimiento academico. Los contenidos estan divididos en cuatro grandes bloques (aspectos teoricos, actividades, aplicaciones a la Economa y la empresa, y evaluacion) y su presentacion explota las ventajas de la enseñanza virtual:
exibilidad, accesibilidad, trabajo autonomo, pensamiento crtico, retroalimentacion, etc.
El material ha sido implementado combinando los softwares libres: eXeLearning y LATEX/Beamer y el software comercial Mathematica, y puede ser integrado en plataformas de entorno Moodle.
The problem of declining in basic mathematical skills and in the level of mathematical preparation of students entering higher education is widely recognized.
In order to enhance student achievement, the authors have developed a Pre-Core Mathematics online course for rst year students at the Faculty of Economics and Business. Its primary aim is to provide students with basic mathematical knowledge to improve their technical skills as part of their university degree. The format is exible to enable students to work at their own pace.
The contents are organised into four sections: theoretical basis, interactive activities designed to help students learn, applications to economic problems, and evaluation tests with feedback on their performance.
We have used free and open source software (eXeLearning and LATEX/Beamer) as well as commercial software (Mathematica). The interactive material may be added to a course in Moodle.
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