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Resumen de Implementation and Benefits of Environmental Management System (UNE- en ISO 14001:2004 Standard) In Shipping Company

Alexis Dionis Melián, Maria del Cristo Adrián de Ganzo, José Agustín González Almeida, Servando Raimundo Luis León, Federico Padrón Martín, Amanda Peña Navarro

  • The management of a shipping company, it shouldn’t be different from any other land management company, although there are some differences between both.

    Between them, we can be based on three main arguments for a shipping company must implement and bet on the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2004 standard environmental management:

    On one side introduce it in a most effective way, to all parties involved on shipping company management in the environmental politcs that are related on with maritime sector By other side, and in reference with national normative, maritime sector industry should provide with an international environmental standard in ships that make crossings on international waters, as like Peninsula-Canary Islands, studied object model on this article.

    Moreover, it can suppose, in addition of the prestige in front of maritime authorities and to the society in general, obtaining a quality certification, obtain cost savings in this management, inasmuch as current regulation, demonstrating that it is carrying, on by de shipping companies, an environmental management we can get cost savings in port dues

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