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Resumen de Sensibilidad de Streptococcus pneumoniae en niños portadores sanos en Murcia (España)

Santiago Alfayate Miguélez, Joaquín Ruiz Gómez, Manuel Sánchez-Solís de Querol, C. Guerrero Gómez, M. Pérez Simón, M.M. Ortiz Romero, M.L. Núñez Trigueros, M.L. López Yepes, A. Blázquez Abellán, J.M. Zárauz García, Guadalupe Ruiz Merino, M.P. Ortuño del Moral

  • español

    Introducción y objetivos Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) es un patógeno que causa un elevado consumo de antibióticos. Objetivos: conocer la sensibilidad a antibióticos de uso habitual, los factores epidemiológicos asociados y favorecer el uso racional de antibióticos.

    Pacientes y métodos En verano del 2009 y el invierno del 2010 realizamos un estudio multicéntrico en Atención Primaria (AP). Se recogió una muestra nasofaríngea y se cumplimentó una encuesta epidemiológica en 1.562 niños de 1 y 4 años.

    Resultados El 31,3% (489/1.562) eran portadores nasales (PN). Se realizó un estudio de sensibilidad en 376 aislados, y se serotipificaron 343. El 61,7% (964/1.562) habían recibido al menos una dosis de vacuna antineumocócica conjugada heptavalente (PCV7). El 12,8% (44/343) correspondía a serotipos vacunales (SV). La resistencia a penicilina (criterio meningitis CMI>0,06mg/l) fue del 28%, siendo del 54% para los SV. Para infecciones no meníngeas, el 100% de los aislados eran sensibles a penicilina parenteral (CMI ≤ 2mg/l). Existe un alto nivel de resistencias para eritromicina (45,8%). Fueron factores favorecedores de resistencia haber tomado antibióticos el mes previo y ser portador de SV tanto para penicilina como para cefotaxima y la edad de 4 años un factor de protección. Los serotipos 14, 35B, 19A, 15A y 19F fueron los menos susceptibles a penicilina.

    Conclusiones La amoxicilina por vía oral para pacientes ambulatorios y la penicilina o ampicilina por vía intravenosa para pacientes ingresados son excelentes opciones para el tratamiento de infecciones neumocócicas no meníngeas, en entornos como el nuestro, con una baja incidencia de aislados con alto nivel de resistencia a penicilina (CMI ≥ 2mg/l).

  • English

    Introduction and objectives Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) is a human pathogen that involves a high use of antibiotics. The objective of the study was to determine the susceptibility to commonly used antibiotics and their associated risk factors, in order to promote rational use of antibiotics.

    Patients and methods In A multicentre study was conducted in summer 2009 and winter 2010 on children attending paediatric clinics in the Region of Murcia. A nasopharyngeal sample was collected and an epidemiological questionnaire was completed. The study included 1562 children aged 1 and 4 years old.

    Results Almost one-third (31.3%, 489/1562) of children were nasal carriers. A sensitivity study was carried out on 376 isolates, of which 343 were serotyped. Almost two-thirds (61.7%, 964/1562) of children had received at least one dose of PCV7 (heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine), and 12.8% (44/343) of the isolates belonged to PCV7 serotypes. The prevalence rates of penicillin resistance (meningitis infections criteria CMI>0.06mg/L) were 28.1%; however, this percentage was 54% in PCV7 serotypes. None of the isolates had (MIC >2mg/L), so prevalence rates of susceptibility with non-meningitis infections criteria were 100%. There was a high percentage of erythromycin resistance (45.7%). The factors favouring resistance to penicillin and cefotaxime were the consumption of antibiotics in the previous month and the carrying of vaccine serotypes. On the other hand, the age of 4 years old was a protective factor of resistance. The 14, 35B, 19A, 15A, and 19F serotypes were less susceptible to penicillin.

    Conclusions Both oral amoxicillin given to outpatients and intravenous penicillin or ampicillin to hospitalized patients are excellent options for the treatment of non-meningeal infections, as seen with pneumonia in these kinds of environments, where there is low incidence of isolates highly resistant to penicillin (CMI ≥ 2mg/L).

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